Department of Dravyaguna
Dravyaguna department has well developed Pharmacognosy & Phamacology laboratory, Museum(more than 250 dry specimens and 100 wet specimens) and 5 acres of Herbal garden in which 283 species drugs are present many endangered(14) & rare species(43) like Shyonaka, Ashoka, Jeevanti, Arjuna, Anjana, Kupilu etc. Dravyaguna department is involved in teaching, training UG & PG Scholars specifically focuses on conservation & cultivation of medicinal plants and also caters to the need of college pharmacy by supplying them fresh medicinal plants for the preparation of certain formulations.
Providing the Necessary basic knowledge of Fundamental principles of Dravyaguna, Principles of Drug action as per Ayurveda and Conventional systems of Medicine.
Inculcating the basic Knowledge about the medicinal plants used in Ayurveda Pharmaceutics, their
identification, properties, usage and application in clinical practice.Imparting skills to select specific dravya’s as per different clinical conditions.
To know the basic principles of Drug action in Ayurveda through Rasapanchaka by understanding concepts of Pharmacodynamics & Pharmacokinetics in modern view.
Instilling the ability to perform the simple laboratory techniques to identify the Plant parts like Histology, Phytochemistry etc
To study Basic botany, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacovigilence, and Research in Dravyaguna.