
Sri Gavimath Campus Koppal-583231 Karnataka India

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Department of Dravyaguna

Dravyaguna department has well developed Pharmacognosy & Phamacology laboratory, Museum(more than 250 dry specimens and 100 wet specimens) and 5 acres of Herbal garden in which 283 species drugs are present many endangered(14) & rare species(43) like Shyonaka, Ashoka, Jeevanti, Arjuna, Anjana, Kupilu etc. Dravyaguna department is involved in teaching, training UG & PG Scholars specifically focuses on conservation & cultivation of medicinal plants and also caters to the need of college pharmacy by supplying them fresh medicinal plants for the preparation of certain formulations.


  • Providing the Necessary basic knowledge of Fundamental principles of  Dravyaguna, Principles of Drug action as per Ayurveda and Conventional systems of Medicine. 

  • Inculcating the basic Knowledge about the medicinal plants used in Ayurveda Pharmaceutics, their
    identification, properties, usage and application in clinical practice. 

  • Imparting skills to select specific dravya’s as per different clinical conditions.


  • To know the basic principles of Drug action in Ayurveda through Rasapanchaka by understanding concepts of Pharmacodynamics & Pharmacokinetics in modern view. 

  • Instilling the ability to perform the simple laboratory techniques to identify the Plant parts like Histology, Phytochemistry etc

  •  To study Basic botany, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacovigilence, and Research in Dravyaguna.

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