
Sri Gavimath Campus Koppal-583231 Karnataka India

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Department of Samhita and Siddhanta

  • Objectives
  • To educate the students to understand the fundamental concepts of Ayurveda.
  • To make Samskruta as a speaking language in the campus.
  • To study and to do the research of original manuscripts that are yet unexplored.

Activities of the department

  • Every year department conducts Vadatu Samskruta, which enables students to speak in samskruta.
  • Prabhashanam Workshop in collaboration with Ayurveda Academy Bangalore, helps students to critically analyze shlokas through Anvaya, Anvayartha etc.
  • Samhita Adhyayan Krama, helps understand the basic concepts of Ayurveda.

Guest lecturers will be organized to conduct various researches in the basic concepts.

Students will be participating in various competitions like essay writing, debate, shloka recitation, extempore etc.“Shishyopanayan Samskara” is also conducted.


“To establish excellence in basic concepts explained in the Samhitas and to conduct outstanding research”.


“Empowering the students with the basic tools for approaching the science of Ayurveda in a structured manner, which shall enable them in understanding the contents of all the branches of Ayurveda and enable them to adopt it in their clinical practice”.

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